勻膠、刮膠、彎月牙涂膠方法的區別 對于大尺寸的基板是很難實現勻膠的,所以人們想出一種叫刮膠,這種工藝相對比較差點,但對于用戶來說,可以滿足他們的需求就OK了,所以這種對膠厚及膠膜要求不高的工藝還是可以滿足的。 鏈接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LWsVqakLi_4Qilng_NcXXA 提取碼: pbd8
還是一個最重要的工件就是運動平臺,若你的平面精度達不到,也是很難實現的膠膜的均勻性更好的,這里我們就想一個的真理,好的設備不是一個工件重要,也是每個部件都是很重要的?,F在顯示屏領域的顯示屏生產TFT、OLED也用這種方式, 因為顯示器對膠的要求不是很高。
三、彎月面涂膠方式 Meniscus Coating
NEW optical coating materials and laser technologies have created a need for large optics with uniform, ultrathin coatings that are applied from liquid solutions. Such devices are used, for example, in high-power laser systems at LLNL and elsewhere. To manufacture these optics, coatings a micron in thickness or less need to be deposited with extreme uniformity—to within a few percent—across the entire clear aperture, which can be on the order of a square meter in size. Micron- and submicron-scale films have been traditionally applied from liquid solutions by spin coating or dip coating. However, spin coating massive optics at the high rates needed to achieve a uniform film is not practical and wastes the coating fluid. Dip coating requires large volumes of expensive coating fluids and risks intercontamination of materials in a multilayer application.